New events have been published on A course for October and a Discussion and Q&A session a few days following:

Course - Self-Governance: Earning Our Freedom, October 8th, 9th, 10th

A continuation of my online courses - although this has seen some alteration, additional material and fine-tuning in its structure recently. If you are someone who is not easily polarised but can see nuance, are interested in the causal factors of our current condition, feel capable of facing difficult truths and not merely looking for quick fixes, this is something you will find profoundly important.

This course answers key questions around the following:

      • Objective morality
      • The distorted rule of law
      • The pre-requisites for a free society
      • An introduction to Natural Law
      • The hurdles within the human psyche that need to be overcome
      • ...and a lot more.

Join me: 

Discussion and Q&A

On October 16th I am holding another Discussion and Q&A - this time focussing on current affairs - topics that are emerging right now in our country / the world. Freedom of speech, an imminent fresh attack on Trial by Jury, an imminent attack on the House of Lords and the implications? Among others.

Bring your own questions to the table. A chance to discuss your concerns within the context of morality, the rule of law and consciousness.