Just as a reminder - Will is delivering a full-day course in Totnes this coming Sunday 15th September in Totnes, Devon
Read MorePlease also visit www.LawAndAlchemy.org for information on Natural Law and the esoteric foundations of our Constitution
For the esoteric information that underpins our Constitution, please visit our website...
The campaign CommonLawConstitution.org is primarily concerned with the re-exposure and uncovering of some deeply hidden information about the British Constitution.
The British people and even the Freedom Movement itself have largely ignored or even avoided this information in the past and appear not to realise that the knowledge of this concealed information would provide them with not only the antidote to the current condition of criminal government overreach and the loss of our liberties, but would also set the people on a path of a much deeper awakening of consciousness and lead humanity towards a more enlightened future.
Unfortunately, over a very long period of time, we the people have allowed our Rule of Law to get appallingly distorted and bent out of shape and, for this reason, this campaign is not going to provide quick solutions. The reason for this is that the system and those that work within it will initially ignore this information precisely because they can currently get away with it due to our lack of numbers.
However, if sufficient numbers of people were to learn and embrace this information, the resulting pressure and potential turmoil that would be brought to bare on the establishment and political class would be enormous and would begin reversing this effect and return the system to the way it was intended to work. And that way, that it is intended to work is quite remarkable! It places the people in authority over their own government at all times, every day and not just every few years at an election!
You will learn about things like:
Get up to speed with this information and it will empower you. Educate and teach others around you and then we will be a force to be reckoned with.
Just as a reminder - Will is delivering a full-day course in Totnes this coming Sunday 15th September in Totnes, Devon
Read MoreAn important discussion between Will and Ben Rubin of the PATTERN Community and UK Column. We get into some deeper matters relating to the British Constitution and its history - and why, through our history since the Bill of Rights of 1689, we have seen an inversion of our authentic Rule of Law.
Read More11 am Saturday 7th, Will is joining Ben Ruben on the Pattern Network for a discussion on our Common Law Constitution and other deeper connected subjects such as Individual Rights and Natural Law
Read MoreA short essay explaining the concept of the 'Royal We' in what is probably its proper context. This affects our understanding of the constitution in its proper form and that we all step into the role of public servant (the 'We') when we move against someone suspected of a crime.
Read MoreMany thanks to Gavin and Damien of Sovereign Empowerment for the opportunity to get into these important subjects deeply. Hugely enjoyed the discussion!
Read MoreNew Discussion and Q & A sessions launched on LawAndAlchemy
Read MoreWill to deliver a full day, in-person course in Totnes, Devon - 15th September
Read MoreJohn is expressing exactly why it is that we are the enemy of ourselves. A must watch.
Read MoreA short essay explaining the concept of the 'Royal We' in what is probably its proper context. This affects our understanding of the constitution in its proper form and that we all step into the role of public servant (the 'We') when we move against someone suspected of a crime.
Read MoreMartin Geddes: The importance of juries in democracy is not widely understood, by design
Read MoreA Statement on Article 61 and some important considerations and context
Read MoreA valuable resource for demonstrating and supporting the legitimacy of English Constitutional Law
Read MoreOur Evolution: Understanding Individual Rights and Living Accordingly - 15th September - Totnes A full-day Course with Will in person - Between 5 and 6 hours of material
First online course - Dates and times published
A Presentation by William Keyte • 27th April • 2-4 pm includes Q and A and Discussion • £10 Cash only at the door
Natural Law, Consciousness and Self-Governance
Tuesday, 14 November 2023, 7 pm Kewstoke Village Hall Donations welcome
A full-day course with William Keyte on Natural Law, Consciousness and Self-Governance Saturday, 21 October 2023, 11 am - 5.30 pm Chiswick Memorial Club, Bourne Place, Chiswick, London, W4 2EL £20 https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/self-governance-earning-our-freedom-tickets-732387931017?aff=oddtdtcreator
Will is delighted to be speaking at Dan Astin-Gregory's Camp-Out 2023 Event at Braziers Park, Oxfordshire.
1. Mechanics of the Constitution and the Human Challenge of Morality: William Keyte 2. The Great Fire of London: A Power Plot that Removed Legal Freedoms: Gloria Moss
A full-day course with William Keyte Saturday, 24 June 2023 - 10 am - 5 pm The Club House Buxton
Talk by William Keyte on our Constitution and Natural Law.
Winchester Declaration
The Winchester Declaration - 19th November 2016
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