URGENT: We are getting suggestions from organisations like ‘Liberty’ such as the recent example of the Public Order Bill which returns to the Commons to discuss ammendments from the Lords. MPs will be voting again on this on Tuesday...



At CommonLawConstitution.org we are trying to get the message out to supporters that with your new understanding of the Constitution, you might now wish to reframe your messages. It is now critical that people change their thinking.

Communicating with your MP is less about asking them to consider voting against a particular measure but perhaps reminding them of the unconstitutionality of the proposed bill and therefore the possible criminality of their support of it!

Here below is another example of public servants unlawfully getting involved in the control of our lives through policy. Under the Constitution, it is not the business of our government (or any other foreign organisation) to be shaping our lives. Here is a wonderful example of the rising feeling -


These people of Thetford are an example to all of us, but framing it with this information in this post would help further.

Keep in mind the following logic…

  1. They are a public servant - why?
  2. Because they took an oath of office
  3. What is that oath? It’s to the Crown or the Sovereign (the King/Queen). The representation of the Rule of Law under the Constitution
  4. The King/Queen, in turn, has taken a promise to the people to govern according to Laws and Customs (Common Law) - meaning keeping the established Rule of Law according to the Constitution.
  5. This, in turn, means maintaining the people’s sovereignty etc.
  6. Therefore the member of Parliament cannot support the introduction of a piece of legislation that infringes upon the liberties of the people without running the risk of committing a crime under the Constitution

You might therefore like to suggest that they don’t support it - not merely because you don’t like it (although that’s important too), but because they might well be committing misconduct in public office were they to do so.

Increasingly, this is how we should be framing this. Action will begin in this form - and the numbers are still important to create the spotlight/weight of attention. A significant number of people have now taken an interest in this campaign and if a large percentage of them were to follow through with this kind of action, it would begin to rattle things.

The first example above (the Public Order Bill Amendments) is the most urgent as this is set for Tuesday. Email your MP today/tomorrow perhaps framing it as suggested above.